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About Me...

Thank you for stopping by! 

This is a fairly recent endeavour, and it's been exciting to see it start to come together. I'm not entirely sure what the outcome will be- I guess I just want to share my ideas. 

As you may have noticed on this site, I like to talk about hair- a lot! From a young age I was always interested in hair. I thought I'd grow up to be a hairdresser. But it was not to be. So instead of a career, doing hair became a hobby for me. When I get the chance to do a friend's hair, I get a buzz of excitement (probably sounds a tad lame). I like seeing people try something new; it boosts their confidence, and puts a smile on their face. You'd be surprised how many people just stick to the same plain hairstyle everyday. To me, that would be like wearing the same shirt day-in day-out and never changing my style. It really doesn't take that much time to try something different.  

So, we have established that I am not a hairdresser- I am not qualified in anyway for starters (as I mentioned, it's not my career). But I do what I do because I enjoy it. 

Watching the Youtube and blogging Communities develop over the past few years makes me realise that you can find your voice online. It's the best way to share ideas and teach people almost anything! Or just to gain some inspiration, if you like! 

A little more about me- well I grew up in Queensland with my mum and brother. I am currently living in Brisbane with my husband of 3 years (I love you Shaph). I learnt Auslan Sign Language and have been working as an educational interpreter up until recently.

For fun I like to go out with friends or out for dinner with the hubby, and enjoy a trip to the beach!! I really love photography, its another passion of mine (to add to the list).

Finally, I have to say a BIG thank you to my brother, he has always encouraged me and helped me, especially in practical ways like lending me his awesome camera gear so that I can take photos of what I do. Thanks bro :) And of course, there are my gorgeous models- my friends, who help me out by letting me experiment on their hair. And then take heaps of photos of them. That I then put on a website... thanks guys, we have some fun times together!  

If you enjoy the site or have any questions I can answer please contact me and I'll get back to you asap! Plenty more updates to come, and tutorials soon too!

~ Jess

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